Exploring the Impact of On-Screen Marking on Academic Integrity

June 18, 20240

In today’s digital age, technology innovations are reshaping many elements of education, including evaluation techniques. On-screen marking, enabled by Learning Spiral, has emerged as a game-changing tool in the evaluation process. However, it is critical to investigate how this transition impacts academic integrity.

One of the key concerns about on-screen marking is the potential for academic integrity violations. Traditional pen-and-paper examinations provide a concrete barrier to misconduct, whereas digital evaluations provide new obstacles. However, with the proper safeguards in place, it can improve academic integrity.


To detect and deter dishonest behavior, Learning Spiral includes complex features such as plagiarism detection algorithms. By evaluating text similarity and cross-referencing with large databases, these technologies reduce the danger of plagiarism, ensure fair evaluation, and protect academic standards.

The transparency and traceability further improves accountability. Every action on the platform, from submission to grading, creates a digital imprint. This audit trail not only discourages wrongdoing, but it also simplifies inquiries in the event of alleged breaches, fostering a culture of honesty and accountability among students.

On-screen marking also allows for real-time monitoring and intervention. Educators may monitor students’ progress and spot abnormalities as they arise, allowing for timely intervention and corrective action. This proactive strategy reduces the likelihood of academic dishonesty being undiscovered, establishing a culture of academic integrity within educational institutions.

Furthermore, digital evaluations provide for tailored feedback, encouraging a growth-oriented attitude to learning. Educators empower students to grow and thrive academically by providing constructive feedback and specific recommendations.

To summarize, while the transition to on-screen marking poses obstacles to academic integrity, it also provides a unique opportunity to strengthen honesty and responsibility in education. Learning Spiral improves assessment procedures while also protecting academic pursuits’ integrity through strong technology solutions and preventive safeguards.

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Our innovative software solution automates manual evaluation of subjective answers to minimize the cost, time, effort and human errors in the valuation process.
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Learning Spital Pvt. Ltd.Digital Evaluation
Our innovative software solution automates manual evaluation of subjective answers to minimize the cost, time, effort and human errors in the valuation process.
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